• Skip: "It's just too crowded!" Cal: "Are you talking about the parking situation?"
    • Skip: "No, although that's a good guess. People are starting to get very creative with their parking spots." There are cars parked in all kinds of ridiculous spots, like on grassy hills and on top of other cars. A security guard is using a ladder to write a ticket for one of the latter cars.
    • Cal: "Then you must mean the overcrowded freshman dorms, right?" Skip: "Nope!" Haffey Hall bulges comically, and appears to be about to burst. Voices of the freshmen inside can be heard: "Who plugged the toilet AGAIN?!" "Why don't you want the window open? I'm dying!" "Will you turn that down?!" "Agh! Fell off the top bunk again..."
    • Skip: "I'm talking about Lavery/Lechase Lawn/Commons. There are way too many squirrels out there right now!" Cal: "Ohh, of course." The quad is packed with squirrels, and one human.

    October 29, 2008 (published) / May 23, 2012 (posted here)

    There were days when I'd walk out of class and the quad would look just like the last frame here. The only way you could be on that quad and not have multiple squirrels in your immediate field of vision was to have your eyes closed or be blind. It would seem pretty ominous, like the squirrels were preparing for some imminent doom the rest of us couldn't see coming.

    Then again, maybe I'm just crazy. "I see squirrels" has a nice ring to it.

    (The name change of "Lavery Lawn" to "LeChase Commons"--named after the construction company that mysteriously gets all of Fisher's construction work, including relandscaping that quad--was a controversial decision. So Skip chooses the PC "Lavery/LeChase Lawn/Commons" here.)

    This work originally appeared in the Cardinal Courier, the award-winning student-run newspaper at St. John Fisher College, between 2007 and 2011.