• Frame 1: A squirrel uses his Human Surveillance Unit to watch a human playing Wii Sports Bowling. Frame 2: The squirrel has an idea! Frame 3: A group of touring students stands below, looking oddly like a group of bowling pins. The squirrel, from a branch above, rolls a large acorns with three finger-holes. "C'mon, baby! Strike!"

    April 9, 2008 (published) / May 12, 2012 (posted here)

    The Wii had just come out at the time, and Wii Sports Bowling was all the rage. Also, I had spent years bowling in my middle- and high-school days, so I suppose it was still imprinted on my mind.

    Pro Tip: Don't give the squirrel any ideas.

    This work originally appeared in the Cardinal Courier, the award-winning student-run newspaper at St. John Fisher College, between 2007 and 2011.